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Benefits for Homeowners in Flood Zones

When flood waters rise, the first thing you want to do is move your valuable possessions, especially the irreplaceable ones like family photo albums, titles, certificates, policies and tax records as...

The Nitty-Gritty on Attic lifts

 The news is out and attic lifts are the new in! While there may be an abundance of news on them, you have yet to get a real sense what...

Versatile VersaLift

How can I use an attic lift, Would I get enough use out of it to make the cost worth it?  Well here are ten ideas on how you can best use...

Your Own Personal Genie!

Have you ever wished you could have your own personal genie, or have the gift Barbara Eden, had in I Dream of Jeannie?  You know where one simple nod of...

Taking the High Road to Storage

 Do We Keep Too Much Stuff? There are few things that will always cause problems in society. One of those, the compilation of stuff. We like to buy things, make...

Garage Organization Checklist

For most people starting to organize your garage is a nightmare that will not end soon. But, this is just because you don’t know really where to start with the...

Ultimate Moving Checklist

We’ve created the ultimate checklist for even the savviest movers. Here you’ll find a timeline of tasks that’ll set you up for home-sweet success. From eight weeks out to two weeks after,...

Three Steps to Organizing Your Attic

Your attic needs to be organized. But, because you don’t know where to start in clearing up the mess of the attic, you keep postponing the task. Here are three steps on how to...

versalift attic lift oklahoma city okc

You can easily buy a Versalift Attic Lift in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma regularly abbreviated to OKC, is the capital and biggest city of the U.S. province of Oklahoma.  Attic Lifts...

The Perfect Over-The-Hill Gift!!

One of the best ways to help your aging parents is to get them something they will not recognize as actual “help”.  Something that says “you are trending” not “you...

The Appliance You Have Always Needed!

Appliances come out every year with the sole intention of making life easier.This appliance can be compared to that of a double stove. It has significant abilities in the usage...


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