March 24, 2017
In blog
1. Durable
One thing that boxes aren't is durable. Boxes do not stay in great shape for a long time, become fragile, and tear very easily. If you’re really looking for the best storage containers for your attic, the first thing you should look for is durability.
The container needs to last for years and years, without breaking or tearing. It needs to keep your stuff in perfect form, while keeping your attic clean and organized. The one thing that boxes do, is make an attic even more cluttered and unorganized.
2. Transparent
Another important aspect of a good storage containers, is that it should be a transparent container, where you can actually see what is inside the container. You’re not using the attic and the stuff that’s stored in the attic very often, and you will forget where you put something.
With a transparent container you will be able to see where the stuff is you are looking for. This will make searching for something faster and you will have a more organized attic storage space.
3. Labeled
Labeling the containers so you can know exactly what is in the container is extremely important! Even, if you’re using containers that are see through. Sometimes you’re storing small things that you can’t see from the outside, but having a label on the container will make finding your stuff easier.
Do not label on the top of the lid. You will not see what’s written on the label, or you can get confused easily. Having labels on the side of the containers (facing forward) is the best way to label your containers to make sure that you know where to find everything.
4. Heat Resistant
Make sure that the containers you buy for your attic storage space, are heat resistant. If you don’t have the correct insulation and ventilation in your attic, the attic can get very hot. The heat can damage the containers as well as the items stored in the container. Make sure that the containers that you’re going to use can withstand lots of heat.
5. Latches Securely
The last thing you want is for something to happen, and your belongings to be scattered all throughout the attic. If the container gets knocked over you want to know your stuff does not fall out. You want to make sure to protect your items from creatures. You do not want to get a container that mice or bugs can get into and ruin things. Also, you do not want all your stuff to be covered with dust. The containers will undoubtedly collect a nice blanket, but that does not mean alll of your belongings need to as well.
To make sure that your attic storage space is organized and neat, you need to make sure to use the correct storage containers for your attic. Boxes are out of the question. You will have too many problems using boxes in your attic. Finding the best storage containers isn’t hard, you just need to know what to look for in a great attic storage container.
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